《百家共福》舞蹈竞赛 Dance Challange

A) 竞赛日期
- 活动日期为2025年1月4日 (10:00am) 至2025年1月18日 (11:59pm)。
- 截止日期后提交的参赛作品将不被接受。
- 得奖名单将于2025年1月21日通过海鸥连锁店官方社交媒体公布。
B) 评选标准
- 评选标准包括创意、主题符合度和整体表现。
- 评委的决定为最终决定,不可争议。
C) 其他条款
- 参赛者需确保其参赛作品不侵犯任何版权、商标或知识产权。
- 通过参与比赛,参赛者同意授权海鸥连锁店将其视频用于宣传用途,且无需额外支付报酬。
- 海鸥连锁店保留取消不符合条款或含有不当内容作品的权利。
- 海鸥连锁店保留随时修改、更改或修订这些条规与条件的权力,恕不另行通知。
D) 责任声明
- 海鸥连锁店不对因平台技术问题或提交延误造成的参赛问题负责。
- 参赛者在录制舞蹈视频时需自行确保安全。
E) 协议
- 参与本比赛即表示参赛者同意遵守上述条款与细则。
- 如有任何疑问,请联系电邮 ( 或 WhatsApp (012-373 3068).
Terms & Conditions
A) Competition Period
- The competition runs from 4 January 2025 (10:00am) to 18 January 2025 (11:59pm).
- Entries submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
- The winners will be announced on 21 January 2025, via Hai-O Chain Store's official social media accounts.
B) Judging Criteria
- Winners will be determined based on creativity, adherence to the theme, and overall performance.
- The decision of the judging panel is final and cannot be disputed.
C) Other Terms
- Participants must ensure their entries do not infringe on any copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property rights.
- By entering the competition, participants grant Hai-O Chain Store the right to use their videos for promotional purposes without additional compensation.
- Hai-O Chain Store reserves the right to disqualify any entry that does not comply with the terms and conditions or contains inappropriate content.
- Hai-O Chain Store reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
D) Liability
- Hai-O Chain Store is not responsible for any technical issues or delays in submission due to platform limitations.
- Participants are responsible for their safety while recording the dance performance.
E) Agreement
- By participating, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined above.
- For further inquiries, please contact us via email ( or WhatsApp (012-373 3068).
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