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HEALTH FLOWER Tianqi Tianma Shouwu Shampoo (250ml)

RM 13.60

‘Tianqi Tianma Shouwu Shampoo' is manufactured using modern scientic method. The ingredidents of this shampoo contain the extract of notoginseng (Tianqi) Polygonum(Shouwu) & Gastrodia (Tianma which are valuable Chinese herbs. Besides cleaning up your hair, this conditioning shampoo also helps to release one's vertigo, hair cuticle damage & irritation itching & dandruff. Through thorough cleaning with this medicinal shampoo, its ingredients get directly to your hair root & work out effectively. This your hair will restore natural beauty balance, gloriously shiny, gentle. In addition, it can prevent hair lossing & promote hair growing.

Sodiumsulfate (AES), Fatty acid, Extracts notogi alkanol Amide(CDE)nseng, Polygonum, gastrodia, Perfume, Jugari, Purified water.

Apply 6-8ml of 'Tianqi Tianma Shouwu Shampoo' rub hair gently once or twice. Rinse with clean water

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